It’s Monday night, I’m on the balcony wondering about myself and what surrounds me. It’s the perfect time to think and to write. Everything feels so calm, so right. Lot of inside questions though. Am I doing the “right” thing? Does the right thing really exist? [...] I’m in Budapest since few weeks and I’m overwhelmed by what surrounds me every day: the city, the people living in, my volunteer service at Filantrópia. At my eyes the city looks so big, so deep in its streets, its quarters: my head is looking at all the palaces, all the buildings, all the bars and shops, all the sunsets through the windows. I always wonder what people do in here, what’s their life, if they’re happy, if they’re sad, if they’re in love. The people I meet at Filantrópia are helping me so much I can’t describe, they offer me new points of view, they are opening their heart to me and I can’t be more grateful for everything they’re donating to me. I think “to donate” is the perfect verb and action to describe what’s happening in Aradi Utca 43 every morning and afternoon".
Queste alcune riflessioni che la nostra Alessia, volontaria ESC a Budapest, ha raccolto in un suo articolo per l'organizzazione Filantròpia che la ospita. Vi consigliamo di tutto cuore di leggere l'articolo integrale, per capire che cosa significa essere un volontario europeo e abbracciare i valori dei Corpi Europei di Solidarietà.
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August 2024