Wise MindThe Wise Mind project aims to develop the crisis management skills of traumatized young people and youth workers working with them. It involves the participation of 9 partners from 6 European countries (Turkey, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria).
VOICE“VOICE” (Volunteering Opportunities to Improve Cohesion and Empowerment) intends to develop structured innovative actions towards increasing the quality of international volunteering mobility (IVM) and building capacity of the youth organizations actively engaged in transnational learning mobility, both sending and receiving international volunteers.
#developtogetherSupporting employability and social integration at local and European level of NEET young people with fewer opportunities, this is the goal of #developtogether, KA2 Capacity Building in the field of youth funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
PRESSPRESS (Periphery and Rural areas: European Solidarity and Social) aims to promote mobility and transnational volunteering as non-traditional form of emancipation and learning, aimed in particular at young people with fewer opportunities. The project involves around 20 volunteers from all over Europe.
VETONP"Vocational training placements in leading non-profit European organizations" aims to promote the employability within the Non profit Sector of competent and motivated technical personnel and to provide participants with training closer to the demand for work in the Non profit sector through international mobilities.
DOCC“Don’t call it change” fits in this framework, responding to the priority of engaging citizens in the discussion related to climate and green issues. The project aims at engaging youngsters in the debate about climate crisis through non-formal and participatory methods, promoting exchanging and debate at the EU level.
VOLPE"VOLPE: VOcationaL Placements in Europe" allows students and recent graduates from the Tourism and Business courses to benefit from an internship experience abroad, to experience the European labor market, live in another country, improve their job search skills and deepen their language skills.
Creative at HomeThe goal of the CaH project is to develop an innovative model of online artistic education for adults who want to develop their creativity and consequently their enterprise. The project addresses also adults belonging to groups at risk of exclusion, for whom access to artistic education online will contribute to increase of their self-esteem and social inclusion.
WORTHWORTH Project focuses on Resistance in XX century and its role for the democratic transition of countries involved, providing a European dimension and fostering an international culture of remembrance. It focuses specifically on the role of women and their different contributions to fight against regimes and oppression, in order to give a more gender balanced understanding of history.
TELL"TElling the story, Learning from Listening", funded by Europe for Citizens, aims at increeasing youngsters' awareness on forms of intolerance during XX century regimes and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, using non formal and engaging methods as Human Library and Urban Trekking in 5 EU countries.
GROW"GROW - Gamify youR yOuth Work" The project's main aim is to explore and increase the capacity of all partner organisations from programme and partner countries on the topic of gamification in the youth work. GROW is contributing to extending and developing the competences of the youth workers. Beyond the Doorstep“Beyond the doorstep” intends to raise awareness and work on prevention on the topic of Hikikomori in the 4 countries involved (IT, TR, AL, BA). Through non formal methods in international activities, the Consortium aims to work on prevention and awareness raising and on the correct representation and narrative of Hikikomori.